Faith and Spiritual Journey

students at mass service

CRD is a Catholic school formed in the shared mission of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.  Education empowers us to “reach the fullness of [our] potential as individuals created in God’s image and assisting them to direct their gifts toward building the earth” (Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame).  Our faith is the foundation of a mission that welcomes and includes individuals of all faiths and backgrounds.  CRD is a place of personal discovery for students, faculty, staff, and the wider community where everyone strives to become his or her best self.  We challenge each other to grow spiritually through daily prayer, reflection and devotion and by giving graciously of ourselves.  At CRD, we encourage students to joyfully share the gifts and talents discovered here for the betterment of this community and the wider world.

We foster a culture of graciousness and spiritual growth through our dynamic retreat program, our communal worship, and our moral instruction.  On a daily basis, our faculty and staff commit themselves to being open and honest witnesses of faith and to encouraging our students to be witnesses to one another, their families, and the community.  Our call to service, gracious self-gift, and thoughtful reception of others’ gifts enliven our CRD community and drive our dedication to outreach within our school, community and world.  At CRD, we know that our gifts and talents are truly realized when we share them with this community and the world.