Cristo Rey Dallas Retreats

At Cristo Rey Dallas, retreats are  central to the education of our students. Retreats give us time to build community, examine our lives, and experience oneness with God. Our four-year retreat program focuses on the spiritually rich image of fire in Scripture and Catholic Tradition. All retreats combine the interests of our students, expertise of our staff, the guidance of the Campus Ministry Team, and the spirituality of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. All students at Cristo Rey Dallas attend at least one grade-level retreat per year and have the opportunity to participate in our EXPLORE Retreat program, where small groups attend retreats based on a shared interest.

Director of Campus Ministry and Student Life






Freshman Retreat: IGNITE

The freshmen are introduced to faith and community life at Cristo Rey Dallas as they reflect on the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. Through team-building activities and small group discussions, they create a foundation of trust, vulnerability, and class identity for the next four years at CRD.

Sophomore Retreat: ABLAZE

The sophomores begin their second year at Cristo Rey Dallas contemplating the story of the Road to Emmaus and its implications for their second year of high school. Students are challenged to build authentic community with each other and are encouraged to leave their comfort zones and form new friendships with their classmates.

Junior Retreat: REKINDLE

Using the stories of Pentecost and the Washing of the Feet, the juniors spend their retreat reflecting on the beginning of their senior year and what it means to be a servant leader. Juniors rekindle their community and answer the question “what kind of seniors do we want to be?” After their Junior Retreat, juniors receive the Senior Cross, officially marking them as the new seniors on campus.

Senior Retreat: Set the World on FIRE

Inspired by St. Catherine of Siena’s words “Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire,” the senior retreat prepares our students to say goodbye to Cristo Rey Dallas and each other while asking three essential questions: “Who am I?”, “Who is God?”, and “Where am I going?” Cristo Rey Dallas is not a place students come to; it’s a place students go from. Vocation meets reassurance and closure on this retreat.

EXPLORE Retreats

Students at CRD are encouraged to connect their passions and hobbies to their faith lives, too. If in good academic standing, students are allowed to miss one day of school per year to attend an EXPLORE Retreat. The EXPLORE program offers the following retreats:

  • Art Retreat
  • Catholicity in the City Retreat
  • Fishing Retreat
  • Food Justice Retreat
  • Kayak Retreat
  • Nature Retreat
  • Rock Climbing Retreat
  • Womens’ and Mens’ Retreats