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Community Masses

Masses and Prayer Services form major moments in our school year.

These times of communal prayer, especially when tied to the Sacrament of the Eucharist, are both “the source and summit” of our faith life as a school. Students, faculty, staff, and friends of Cristo Rey Dallas are expected to participate in these liturgies by praying through: speaking, singing, and praying quietly when each is appropriate.

Not every member of our community is Catholic, and therefore Catholic Mass may not be part of everyone’s faith tradition.  However, regardless of personal faith preference, Mass can be a time of prayer and reflection, and at Cristo Rey Dallas we believe that it is important to share that time together as a full community.

All are welcome to join our Community Masses.  They are held in the St. Augustine Parish Church and all Masses, unless otherwise listed, begin at 10:10am.  Please feel free to join us!