Daily prayer and community prayer plays a major role in our school culture both in classrooms and as a full-school community.

Why do we think it is so important to pray?
“Prayer is the great gate leading into faith. Someone who prays knows there is a God to whom he can talk. Someone who prays entrusts herself more and more to God. People who pray are already building a relationship with God, the person without whom their life has no meaning. Of course, one cannot learn to pray in the same way one learns a skill. As strange as it sounds, prayer is a gift one receives through praying.” (YouCat §469)
With this in mind, prayer is something that is impossible to require or “force” someone to do; however, we at Cristo Rey Dallas expect that our students will be open to prayer. We will strive to offer relevant and fulfilling opportunities for prayer during all school functions and as we ask, “Even if you don’t need to pray at the moment most likely the person next to you does, so please be respectful of that.”